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Postęp w medycynie, informacje o ciekawych publikacjach.

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Post autor: _KUBA_ »

adi szczecin napisał:

Bądź pełen nadziei.Niektórzy zbyt długo czekają, niestety,aczkolwiek jest teraz ogromny "wyścig szczurów" odnośnie adekwatnego wykorzystania komórek macierzystych.

Post autor: Gosc »

Pierwsza Miedzynarodowa Konferencja naprawy URK w Hong Kongu.
Konferencja naukowcow z calego Swiata. Najbardziej zainteresowani to My.
Czy ktos z polskich naukowcow bedzie uczestniczyl w tej Konferecji.
Zobaczcie liste mowcow. Czy ktos z Polski bedzie uczestniczyl.
Konferencja w dniach 17 do 20 grudzien 2005.

Post autor: Gosc »


Post autor: Gosc »

Post autor: Wawel »

niepotwierdzone informacje. sa tam naukowcy z polski. przypuszczam ze z kliniki wroclawskiej. obym sie nie mylil.
Dorota Bucław
Posty: 356
Rejestracja: 10 sty 2005, 15:52
Lokalizacja: Planeta ziemia

Post autor: Dorota Bucław »

Dokładnie przeprowadzałam ostatnio krótką wymianę maili z dr Young Wise i napisał mi, że na konferencji w Honk kongu będzie również lekarz z Polski z Wrocławia:). Także może przywiezie jakieś nowości.
Kaleb , Colours - Boing na ramie L-frame

Post autor: Gosc »

Odrobina "wiadomosci" z Hong Kongu. Na konkretne musimy poczekac.

Post autor: Gosc »

Krotkie podsumowanie pierwszych 2 dni sympozjum dr. W. Younga
Nic nie wiemy jeszcze o uczestnikach konferencji z Polski.
Moze po swietach. Kto byl i co przywiozl.
Mnie cieszy jedno. Swiat pracuje, cos sie dzieje i cos z tego dobrego dla nas wyniknie

ment and Trials Symposium
Let me start with a short summary from memory and fill in the details later.

The First International Spinal Cord Injury Treatment and Trials Symposium was held on December 17-20. About 300 people registered and attended the meeting. An unknown number of guests and others from Hong Kong attended. Approximately 58 invited speakers gave talks and a total of over 70 posters were presented.

Day 1. During the first day, the program focused on rehabilitation and surgical treatment of spinal cord injury.
• Milan Dimitrijevic from Texas gave the first talk on recovery of function after spinal cord injury. It was an elegant and brand new lecture. He reviewed the history of studies of the locomotor system and how the spinal cord is "intelligent". He pointed out that the disconnected nervous system is a new system that it operating by different rules. He showed how stimulation of the spinal cord at low frequencies can change the excitability of the circuits and can produce function, described the comprehensive motor evaluation program that he had developed to assess not only voluntary but programmed motor, sensory, and autonomic systems.
• Charles Tator from Toronto spoke about Surgical Management of spinal cord injury. In addition, he reviewed secondary injury mechanisms and other factors that influence surgical decisions.
• John Ditunno from Philadlphia spoke about predicting outcomes after spinal cord injury, covering the Amerian Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) classification system. He pointed that that useful locomotor recovery from "incomplete" spinal cord injury was 50% in patients who have some preserved pinprick function below the injury site (ASIA B) and over 90% in patients who had some preserved but non-useful motor function below the injry site (ASIA C).
• Keith Luk, head of orthopedics at HKU, spoke about orthopedic management of spinal cord injury.
• John McDonald from Baltimore spoke about the importance of exercise in maximizing recovery after spinal cord injury.
• Jim Guest from Miami spoke about the surgical management of chronic spinal cord injury.
• Baoguo Jiang spoke about the application of biological chitin in spinal cord injury.
• Shao-ting Xu from Beijing is the senior orthopedic surgeon in China and he gave a talk about the treatments of spinal cord injury in China.
• Wai-Sang Poon is the head of neurosurgery at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
• Jian Jun Li is the head of the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing and he talked about rehabilitative care of people with spinal cord injury in China. He pointed out that the average length of stay of a paraplegic is 6 months and 8-10 months for tetraplegics.
• Jizong Zhao is the head of neurosurgery for Tianjin University and one of the senior neurosurgeons in China. His department alone has 94 neurosurgeons and 155 nurses, 300 beds with 8 units. He described 15 years of experience taking care of people with spinal cord injury.
• Zhuojing Luo from the Fourth Military Medical University in Xi’an described orthopedic management of spinal cord injury in China.
• Chuanguo Xiao from Wuhan spoke about his program at Wuhan and also at NYU Medical Center in New York, reinnervating neurogenic bowel and bladder in patients with spinal cord injury.

Day 2. The second day was devoted to various clinical trials going on in China.
• Michael Bracken from New Haven described evidence based strategies for identifying effective therapies from systematic review and large simple trials. This was a remarkably concise lecture that emphasized the importance of rigorous clinical trials and also careful review of animal results before initiating clinical trials.
• Gong Ju who is the most prominent neuroscientist in China gave a talk reviewing the major published and unpublished spinal cord injury studies going on in China. He began by reviewing the 6 major centers in China that have been funded to do spinal cord injury and stem cell research, reviewing the best studies that have been published by the groups. He apologized for not being very successful in finding a great deal of basic science in China and the fact that many of the studies came from his group in Xi'an. One of the most interesting findings was that there are a number of human embryonic stem cell lines in China and the head of the center tha produced these lines would be very happy to help produce embryonic stem cells for clinical trial.
• Hongyun Huang spoke about his experience with fetal OEG transplants, presenting data about 370 patients. Most of the information has been talked about here before. He ended his talk with a plea for more compassion and caring for the patients.
• Dr. Tian-Sheng Sun from Beijing Army General Hospital described their experience with fetal olfactory ensheathing glia, using the same method at Hongyun Huang. I am not sure but I think that he presented the results of 12 patients. His results were similar to the work of Hongyun Huang but he interpreted the motor function as "root recovery". He, however, found significant sensory recovery of 4-10 dermatomes after the fetal OEG transplants.
• Hui Zhu described her experience in Kunming doing intraspinal transplants of human fetal Schwann cell transplants. She showed how the cells were obtained, summarized the results (interestingly, conversion of patients from ASIA A to C in many cases), the aggressive rehabilitation program that they have, and the rationale for the treatment. She showed two cases, one of a young teenager who had the transplants and the other of an older adult, both of whom had recovered what she characterized as ASIA A to ASIA C.
• Yong-Fu Zhang from Zhengzhou described his experience with bone marrow stem cell transplants in spinal cord injury patients.
• Shaocheng Zhang from Shanghai presented his 3-decade experience using peripheral nerves to bridge function from above the injury site muscles and bladder below the injury site.
• Henreich Cheng from Taiwan reported his experience using acidic FGF to treat paitents with chronic paraplegia and quadriplegia, including several patients who improved as a result. He also presented animal studies.
• John Steeves from Vancouver talked about clinical trial guidelines for spinal cord injury and the International group that is attempting to set such guidelines.
• Adrian Nowitzke from Brisbane talked about their experience transplanting adult olfactory ensheathing glia into 3 patients and the safety of the method. He mentioned that they had made 200-500 injections into the patients.
• Yooh Ha from Inchon, Korea, described their clinical trial results treatment with GM-CSF and bone marrow autografts into about 10 patients, including some of the positive results that they had.
• Ellis Behnke showed the technology of using self-assemblying nano materials for CNS lesion repair, mostly animal studies.

There are two more days of talks. I will fill in the rest later.

Post autor: Zdzis?aw »

zagladnijcie na strone integracji,tam w nowosciach jest artykul na temat regeneracji rdzenia.pozdrowka

Post autor: Gość »


Post autor: Gosciu »

i nastepna ciekawostka:

Six spinal patients of one of Russian private clinics agreed to participate in a special experiment, which was based on the above-mentioned method. Patients' own stem cells were injected in the place of spinal cord rupture. A positive result was registered with five of the volunteers: they could feel their legs, even move them a little, pelvic organs retrieved their functions too. The operation became very successful for a young disabled man, who could not move his legs at all for several years. The man started wiggling his toes in two months after the operation; now he can stand up and move with the help of support gear. The young man's progress is definitely not a miraculous recovery, which may give other disabled people a hope to stand up and walk again. The accomplishment, however, has become a firm step ahead in the treatment of the trauma, which was previously considered incurable and hopeless. "We are absolutely sure that one has to continue working in this direction. The result will definitely be achieved," the chairman of the scientific board of the "Stem Cells" program, Vladimir Yarigin said.

Source :
Posty: 13
Rejestracja: 09 mar 2006, 19:11
Lokalizacja: woj sl?skie

Post autor: El?bieta »

Hej czy jest tu ktoś????????????????????????

Post autor: _KUBA_ »

Posty: 13
Rejestracja: 09 mar 2006, 19:11
Lokalizacja: woj sl?skie

Post autor: El?bieta »

hej czemu zakonczyl sie temat??? jakie sa najnowsze doniesienia z Wroclawia????czy ktos cos wie??? :?: :?: :(
cicha woda
Posty: 26
Rejestracja: 21 sie 2005, 12:45
Lokalizacja: mazowsze

Post autor: Andrzej-ojciec »

"Nie rezygnuj nigdy z celu tylko dlatego, że osiągnięcie go wymaga czasu. Czas i tak upłynie."